Wednesday 5 January 2011

Brislington Hill on a Summer Day

This was taken on a warm June mid-afternoon in 2009. There are slight changes to the road layout nowadays, but the same problems remain: too many cars being forced through the "Brislington Bottleneck".


  1. Too many cars are not being forced through a bottleneck. What is happening is that there are far too many lazy, selfish, inconsiderate people out there who think that driving is the best way of getting around town. They are wrong. Motoring is the problem, not lack of road space.

  2. There are certainly too many cars there - what a beautiful day! How many of those cars are travelling more than a couple of miles? How many have only one occupant? How many could vanish from the scene if their occupants could be a*sed to walk or cycle in the fresh air instead? What are they afraid of - sunburn?

  3. I would be afraid of death as cycling in Bristol is very dangerous. Motoring is not a problem but ridiculously stupid road solutions in Bristol. Cities are expanding rapidly these days, and how do you want to walk from one side of the city to another? It would take you all day. And maybe cycling is a great idea, but in cities that are well prepared and give cyclist safe paths, like Amsterdam or in Germany, not like in Bristol where it is total jungle, where cyclist have no paths and ride on the roads totally unaware of road rules! At least they should pass some tests to be able to join the traffic. Totally dangerous, messy and irresponsible. So the only way is by car as you can't even rely on the buses, they are always late, every second one doesn't even arrive, you can't travel between two areas without having to go through city centre, and they are expensive. The main reason that there is so much traffic in Bristol are tiny streets and light that are not synchronised, so you end up driving from red to red, in all cities in Europe few lights in a row are synchronised and it make sense.

    Another pointless rebuilt is just almost finished at A4 towards Bath - I really thought they would improve traffic, but no it is even worse than it was, there road works for months and they did completely nothing to solve problems there. Who do we pay road tax to, complete waste of money.
