Thursday 9 December 2010

St. Anne's - Arlington Road

Not the film, just another nightmare of a road for parking your car. To add to the misery, several house owners have given up their front gardens for a parking space. In reality, the parking spaces don't get used all the time.

Here's where the future could catch up with the people with front garden driveways; in Kingsdown, the new Residents' Parking Zone is being finalised and the driveway owners there have ended up with double yellow lines across their driveway & dropped kerb. If a RPZ were implemented here - Nightmare!

The rules in Kingsdown are basically as follows: 

The first permit costs £30 per annum; the second costs £80 per annum. In exceptional cases where a third permit is issued, it will cost £200 per annum. Each household is eligible for 50 free visitors’ permits and can purchase up to 50 additional permits per annum at a cost of £1 per permit.

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